Course Outline:

Everyone is a brand, whether by design or by accident! Are you ready to take control of how you position yourself to your friends, your partner, your colleagues, your community, your investors, your leaders, the world? If you want 2023 to be different then YOU need to be different. In our BRAND NEW YOU course we teach about personal branding and how to create and use YOUR personal brand you create a better life from day one!

  • What is a personal brand?
    In this session we cover what a personal brand is and why it’s important!

  • What are the core elements of a good personal brand?
    Here we’re unpack the core elements of a good personal brand and why each one makes a difference

  • Appearance
    In this session we identify the key ‘visual’ elements of your personal brand and how to ensure that you’re saying what you WANT to say with how you look, speak, act and through the state of your spaces!

  • Social Media – The billboard effect
    We’re going to run through the fundamentals of social media in personal branding, do a mini audit to see what your socials say about you and then update your socials to align with the BRAND NEW YOU!

  • Circle of Influence
    Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future #StillTrue

  • Wrap Up
    In this session we’re discussing how to keep evolving your brand as you grow through life and how to prevent yourself from slipping!

Course curriculum

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    • What is a personal brand?

    • What are the core elements of a good personal brand?

    • Appearance

    • Social Media – The billboard effect

    • Circle of Influence

    • Wrap Up

Coming soon!

Reserve your seat. Drop us your deets, and we will let you know once the course is live.